Last week we do an example of a Kotlin Serverless Function using Apache OpenWhisk, however since we using Kotlin we could make our example a native application that will not run in the JVM.
You could find this complete example in this repository.
We will need as the week before to have OpenWhisk, and we will require again Vagrant and Virtual Box, so install those first.
To setup the environment just:
$ git clone --depth=1 openwhisk
$ cd openwhisk/tools/vagrant
$ ./hello
Now we could ssh to the machine with:
$ vagrant ssh
To test the action directly just using the docker that I’ve upload to docker hub:
$ wsk action create native-fibonacci --docker jamedina/kotlin-native-fibonacci
To test the new action just run:
$ wsk action invoke --result native-fibonacci --param numbers 5
This will output something like:
"result": [
OpenWhisk allow us to use a docker that contain a binary that will be execute when an action is invoke, to do it so the binary will receive 1 argument with a JSON string and it need to return a JSON string in a single line.
So to create our function first we need to have kotlin-native installed and configured:
$ git clone --depth 1 /kotlin-native
$ cd /kotlin-native
$ ./gradlew dependencies:update
$ ./gradlew dist
$ export PATH="/kotlin-native/dist/bin:$PATH"
$ kotlinc
The last line will raise and error since we haven provide any parameters to the compiler but we just do that in order to download the compiler dependencies and toolchain.
Now we will create our project, kotlin native use a gradle plugin that we initial setup as:
buildscript {
repositories {
maven {
url ""
dependencies {
classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-native-gradle-plugin:+"
apply plugin: 'konan'
konanArtifacts {
fibonacci {
We need as well to specify where is kotlin-native installed using the
now lets just create one simple main in the folder src/main.kt
fun fibonacci(numbers: Long): Array<Long> {
if (numbers == 0L) return arrayOf(0L)
if (numbers == 1L) return arrayOf(1L)
var previous = 1L
var current = 1L
var temp: Long
return arrayOf(1L, 1L) + (1..(numbers - 2)).map {
temp = current + previous
previous = current
current = temp
fun main(args: Array<String>) = fibonacci(5).forEach(::println)
Now to compile simple :
$ gradlew clean build
We use clean because sometimes gradle will not compile the files even with the files changed.
Then we could run it with:
$ ./build/konan/bin/fibonacci.kexe
Now we need to use JSON but since we don’t have the JVM neither we could use any Java code we are just going to use a C JSON library, I’m choose parson since is perfect for the task.
First clone it, or create a submodule in your git:
$ mkdir src/cpp
$ cd src/cpp
$ git clone --depth 1
No I’ve create a shell script to compile the C code into a library that we could latter link:
DEPS=$(dirname `type -p konanc`)/../dependencies
if [ x$TARGET == x ]; then
case "$OSTYPE" in
darwin*) TARGET=macbook ;;
linux*) TARGET=linux ;;
*) echo "unknown: $OSTYPE" && exit 1;;
mkdir -p build/clang/
$CLANG -x c -c src/main/cpp/parson/parson.c -o build/clang/parson.bc -emit-llvm || exit 1
This script will create a library in LLVM format, the architecture used by Kotlin Native.
Now we need to update our gradle script to compile the C code, and to link it to our program.
buildscript {
repositories {
maven {
url ""
dependencies {
classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-native-gradle-plugin:+"
apply plugin: 'konan'
konanInterop {
Parson {
includeDirs "${project.projectDir}/src/main/cpp/parson"
konanArtifacts {
fibonacci {
useInterop "Parson"
nativeLibrary "${project.buildDir.canonicalPath}/clang/parson.bc"
task compileCpp(type: Exec) {
dependsOn 'genParsonInteropStubs'
workingDir project.getProjectDir()
commandLine './'
compileKonanFibonacci {
dependsOn 'compileCpp'
Finally, we need to add a definition file for the C code so Kotlin could create and stub for it.
The file should be place in src/c_interop/Parson.def :
headers = parson.h
headerFilter = parson.h
Now we could just build as before to check that everything is ok:
$ gradlew clean build
This should generate some files including:
- build/clang/parson.bc : The library that could be linked.
- build/konan/interopStubs/genParsonInteropStubs/Parson/Parson.kt : The Kotin Stub for calling the library.
No we modify our program to use parson:
import kotlinx.cinterop.*
import Parson.*
fun fibonacci(numbers: Long): Array<Long> {
if (numbers == 0L) return arrayOf(0L)
if (numbers == 1L) return arrayOf(1L)
var previous = 1L
var current = 1L
var temp: Long
return arrayOf(1L, 1L) + (1..(numbers - 2)).map {
temp = current + previous
previous = current
current = temp
fun Array<String>.paramOrElse(name: String, elseValue: Long): Long {
var result = elseValue
if (this.size > 0) {
val json = this[0]
memScoped {
val schema = json_parse_string(json)
if (schema != null) {
val root = json_object(schema)
if (root != null) {
if (json_object_has_value(root, name) == 1) {
result = json_object_get_number(root, name).toLong()
return result
fun Long.throughFunction(operation: (Long) -> Array<Long>): String {
var result = "{}"
val elements = operation(this)
memScoped {
val schema = json_value_init_object()
val root = json_value_get_object(schema)
json_object_set_value(root, "result", json_value_init_array())
val array = json_object_get_array(root, "result");
elements.forEach {
json_array_append_number(array, it.toDouble())
result = json_serialize_to_string(schema)?.toKString()!!
return result
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val result = args.paramOrElse("numbers", 10L).throughFunction(::fibonacci)
We have create a couple of functions that uses the Kotlin/Native interoperability so we could invoke Parson.
After building the program again we could just use it like this:
$ ./build/konan/bin/Fibonacci.kexe "{ \"numbers\" : 5 }"
No we need to create a docker for it, OpenWhisk have a docker base image that is based on alpine linux, I’ve not been able to make Kotlin-Native to work on alpine so I’ve create a base docker image that any one could use for making Kotlin Native Serverless functions.
The docker file for that image is:
# Dockerfile for runing a openwishk Kotlin native action
FROM openjdk:8-jdk
#install kotlin native
RUN git clone --depth 1
WORKDIR kotlin-native
RUN ./gradlew dependencies:update
RUN ./gradlew dist
ENV PATH /kotlin-native/dist/bin:$PATH
#install python
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install python3-setuptools -y
RUN easy_install3 pip
RUN pip3 install --upgrade pip setuptools six
RUN pip3 install --no-cache-dir gevent==1.2.1 flask==0.12
#install c libraries
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install libc-dev -y
#preparing the action proxy
ADD actionProxy/ /actionProxy
WORKDIR /actionProxy
CMD ["/bin/bash"]
I’ve use openjdk 8 since we are going to use gradle in our build and it use the actionProxy python3 script that is provide by OpenWhisk to create a flask server that will serve our action trough HTTP, our action should be place in the folder /action and be named exec.
So now we could create a docker image for our fibonacci function:
# Dockerfile for runing a Kotlin native fibonacci action
FROM jamedina/openwhisk-kotlin-native
#add basic gradle files
ADD .gradle/ /temp-build/.gradle
ADD gradle/ /temp-build/gradle
ADD build.gradle /temp-build
ADD gradlew /temp-build
ADD /temp-build
#get the compiler
WORKDIR /temp-build
RUN ./gradlew
# add our action code
ADD src/ /temp-build/src
ADD /temp-build
#build our action
RUN ./gradlew build
#copy the action as the default OpenWhisk docker actions
RUN mkdir /action
RUN cp /temp-build/build/konan/bin/fibonacci.kexe /action/exec
#clean up
RUN rm -rf /temp-build
RUN rm -rf /kotlin-native
CMD ["/bin/bash", "-c", "cd /actionProxy && python3 -u"]
Finally, I create a simple scripts to publish the images in docker hub, remember to login before.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "creating base image jamedina/openwhisk-kotlin-native"
docker build -t jamedina/openwhisk-kotlin-native docker/
if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]
echo "pushing jamedina/openwhisk-kotlin-native"
docker push jamedina/openwhisk-kotlin-native
if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]
echo "creating image jamedina/kotlin-native-fibonacci"
docker build -t jamedina/kotlin-native-fibonacci .
if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]
echo "pushing"
docker push jamedina/kotlin-native-fibonacci
if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]
echo "done"
echo "fail to push fibonacci docker"
echo "fail to build fibonacci docker"
echo "fail to push base docker"
echo "fail to build base docker"
In the way that the files are added to the docker we can just run that command to get update the image only doing the parts that actually change.
So now we could put all things together to do:
$ ./
$ wsk action create native-fibonacci --docker jamedina/kotlin-native-fibonacci
$ wsk action invoke --result native-fibonacci --param numbers 5
"result": [
This has been a great example to learn Kotlin Native, so sure I’ll do more things with it in a future.
Note: Many things could be change in this example, for example I could create a builder image that generate the binary and use for creating another image that has only that binary, since we do not need the whole compiler infrastructure and the image could be much smaller, but for demonstration is just OK.